tech skills you should have this year

Top 6 Tech Skills You Should Learn in 2022

The tech industry evolves and increases on a yearly basis, resulting in demand for new tech and IT skills and positions. Due to COVID-19, the world as we know it changed dramatically in 2020, resulting in a drastic shift in the way the working environment works.  Zoom meetings to remote work are the new norm. 

With the labour/job market as competitive as it has ever been, knowing what the top IT and tech skills are, and learning them is critical to securing and ensuring lucrative employment.

Individuals who know and understand what skills companies are seeking will be able to acquire those jobs and stand out amongst others in their field. 

So, here are some of the most important IT and tech skills job seekers should be aware of and top companies are in demand of. 

1. Artificial Intelligence (A.I)

AI is transforming the employment landscape rapidly, making this transformation an exciting time for programmers who are looking for new challenges in the tech industry. Between 2019 and 2020, the number of AI practitioners hired increased by 32%. 

AI specialists ranked #1 on LinkedIn’s list of “emerging careers” in 2020 and #15 on their list of “jobs on the rise” in 2021, owing to their growing popularity.

Companies and industries will be on the lookout for people with specific areas of expertise in AI by the end of 2022. 

Expertise such as natural language processing (NLP), automated speech recognition (ASR), and automation, will be in high demand now that AI has become more mainstream (and businesses are implementing AI to keep up with demand during COVID-19 and the post-pandemic world).

2. Machine Learning

Machine learning is one of the most inventive and fascinating fields in the future of tech, making it one of the greatest talents to master this year (not to mention one of the most lucrative). 

There are several applications for these fascinating futuristic hot technologies, ranging from products such as Siri and Alexa to chatbots, predictive analysis, and self-driving automobiles. 

Machine learning has been used to anticipate and predict how infectious a COVID-19 patient will be and how to speed up treatment and development.

Those that start taking online machine learning courses now will still be ahead of the game since demand is only expected to rise from here.

3. Data Science & Analytics

Data science and data analytics are two of the most in-demand tech jobs out there in the Data industry. Institutions such as banking, manufacturing, and professional services (such as financial advisors and accountancy firms) are in high demand for data scientists and analysts.

The federal government is among the industries investing the most in the Data industry, with a total investment of $274.3 billion expected by year-end 2022.

Data analysis is a more basic skill, whereas data science is more advanced, yet the two professions work hand in hand. Education, banking, health, software, and other industries all require data specialists.

tech skills you should have this year

Photo by ThisIsEngineering | Pexels

4. Cybersecurity

The COVID-19 epidemic has only increased the demand for professionals who are knowledgeable about cybersecurity. Organizations, especially those working with client data, must prioritize cybersecurity to prevent hackers from tampering with their data. 

These businesses must guarantee that they have professionals who can provide adequate protection since they risk being sanctioned millions of dollars if they fail to implement adequate cybersecurity measures.  

Cybersecurity is a good fit for you if you’re looking for a tech job based on the increase in demand for their services.

5. Software Development

With the increase in the use of mobile phones, applications, and technology in general, the high demand for software developers is expanding.

According to “Stack Overflow data, 75% of developers learn a new technology every year”. It’s an indication that these developers are always evolving their abilities and expanding their knowledge.

As a result, developers are more flexible to change and can keep their skills up to date. This ensures job security, which is especially important in this shaky economy. If you want to work in software development, SQL and Java are the most popular programming languages to master.

6. Project Management

According to the Project Management Institute,” by the end of 2021, there will be a demand for 88 million project management experts”.

Project management is a very satisfying job, and what you learn in project management will be particularly useful in these unpredictable times.

You will learn how to lead and manage teams, these are important skills for project managers., they equip you to focus on the set goals and targets. These skills are transferable and useful in a variety of positions if you decide to leave project management in the future. 

In conclusion, IT skills from 2022 and beyond will be highly competitive. As businesses become more data-driven in their approach to customer service, marketing, employee development, and other critical functions, will require digital-savvy professionals.

Embrace these changes today, so tomorrow you’ll stay ahead of your piers.

The9tynine is committed to providing technical and professional digital solutions that will help your business stay relevant in a highly competitive marketplace. Our team of professionals will help you attract your target audience through effective digital strategies. Get in touch with us today.

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